Monday 25 June 2012

Bingkai Imaji

"Kampus kita Rin, kampus kita itu cuma menjadi bingkai imaji yang mengurung kita dari kehidupan luar. Sadar gak sih kamu Rin, kalau kampus itu banyak dihuni oleh orang-orang yang berdaya, sementara yang tak berdaya terlupakan di balik bingkai itu. Kita seolah-olah nggak pernah dihadapkan oleh kenyataan yang sesungguhnya, bahwa rakyat Indonesia itu gak semuanya seperti mereka . . . maksudku, kalian.”

That paragraph above is the excerpt of a short story titled Bingkai Imaji. I wrote this story and sent it to Olimpiade Ilmiah Mahasiswa FIB UI .

This story was written based on my observation toward university students, especially in big cities, like Depok or Jakarta. I think there are many things that we should concern and think critically about campus life; not only the academic life, but also the other aspects. I took one of the example of how a campus could be the "stage" of showing off your economy status. The pride of driving cars to campus, wearing branded clothes, or competing to have the newest and more sophisticated gadget are the "usual" things to see. They forget that, behind that gate, outside those walls, there are so many mouths longing for food, so many men trying to find shelter, and so many children trying to survive by knocking your car windows...

You could agree with that, or you could deny it. That's what critics do.

Anyway, I'm not trying to show off, but this short story became the big 10 of Lomba Cerpen dan Puisi OIM FIB UI 2012. And this story was compiled into an Ebook that could be downloaded freely. Here's the link and you could give me your feedback after reading the full version of it. Thank you :) 

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